Last updated 9 months ago

TDCS* and Laterality Trainnning in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain

100 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
The study will be controlled, randomized, double-blind and will include patients with chronic neck pain, divided into four groups: 1. active TDCS associated with laterality recognition stimuli (n = 25); 2. active TDCS associated with landscape recognition stimuli (n = 25); 3. TDCS sham associated with laterality recognition stimuli (n = 25); 4. TDCS sham associated with landscape recognition stimuli (n = 25); Eight induction sessions will be held twice a week for four weeks. Patients who present a positive response in the first reassessment (responders) will remain in the study follow-up and will undergo a weekly maintenance session, for four weeks, and two more biweekly sessions. The following instruments will be used for evaluation: motor safety thresholds through a MagVenture pulse generator with a flat surface coil, figure 8; OPAL, device with sensors; Recognize™ application; Visual Analog Scale (VAS); Brief Pain Inventory (BDI); Clinical Global Impression - ICG (patient and evaluated version); Pain McGill Standard Questionnaire - Short Format; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD); 36-item summary health survey from the Medical Outcomes Study (SF-36); Mini best test; neurodynamic tests (upper limb tension tests); and quantitative sensory tests. In addition to the pre- and post-intervention assessments, there will be post-treatment follow-up performed three, six and 12 months after randomization by telephone or e-mail. It is expected that the combined application of tDCS with stimuli related to laterality will have positive effects in patients with neck pain, impacting on variables such as pain, functional movements and quality of life of these patients.
University of Sao Paulo General Hospital
1Research sites
100Patients around the world

Requirements for the patient

From 18 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

participants over 18 years old;
pain in the cervical region, lasting more than three months and with intensity greater than 40/100 on the visual analog scale
history of seizures or epilepsy,
history of head trauma,
intracranial hypertension,
intracranial metal clip,
pregnant or breastfeeding women,
skin lesions at the current application site;
changes in sensitivity and allergy in the electrode positioning region.
intermittent pain;
cardiac pacemaker;
severe spinal diseases, such as recent fractures or ankylosing spondylitis;
serious cardiorespiratory diseases;
participants who refuse to sign the Free and Informed Consent Form.


Universidad de São Paulo
R. da Reitoria, R. Cidade Universitária, 374 - Butantã, São Paulo - SP, 05508-220
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