Last updated 21 days ago

A Study of PBFT02 in Participants With FTD and Mutations in the Granulin Precursor (GRN) or C9ORF72 Genes

25 patients around the world
Available in United States, Brazil
PBFT02 is an adeno-associated viral vector serotype 1 carrying GRN, the gene encoding for human progranulin, formulated as a solution for injection into the cisterna magna. This is a global interventional, multicenter, open-label, single-arm study of PBFT02 delivered as a one-time dose administered into the cisterna magna to participants with FTD-GRN or C9orf72. Participants aged ≥ 35 and ≤ 75 years with early symptomatic FTD-GRN or with symptomatic FTD-C9orf72 may be enrolled into the study. PBFT02 will be studied in three cohorts of FTD-GRN participants and two cohorts of FTD-C9orf72 participants. This is a 5-year study, with a 2-year main study, followed by a 3-year safety extension.
Passage Bio, Inc.
2Research sites
25Patients around the world

Requirements for the patient

To 75 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Documented to be a pathogenic GRN mutation carrier
Clinical diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia
Have a reliable informant / caregiver (and back-up informant / caregiver) who personally speaks with or sees the subject at least weekly
Living in the community (i.e., not in a nursing home); assisted living may be permitted at the discretion of the investigator
Classification of the GRN mutation as "not pathogenic," "likely benign variant," "benign variant," or "pathogenic nature unclear"
Previous treatment with any gene therapy. Any other therapies with the potential to alter PGRN levels must be washed out for at least 5 half-lives prior to entry into this study
Homozygous GRN mutation carrier
Rosen-modified Hachinski Ischemic Scale score > 7
Known presence of a structural brain lesion (eg, tumor, cortical infarct) that could reasonably explain symptoms in a symptomatic subject
Known presence of an AD-causing mutation in PSEN1, PSEN2 or APP based on genetic testing history (if performed)
Previous history of Korsakoff encephalopathy, severe alcohol or substance dependence (within 5 years of onset of dementia), except where onset of increased alcohol consumption occurs at the time of FTD disease onset
History of untreated vitamin B12 deficiency
Presence of untreated hypothyroidism (thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH] > ULN and free T4 < LLN)
eGFR ≤ 30 ml/min (as calculated using the CKD-EPI equation)
Alanine aminotransferase [ALT] or aspartate aminotransferase [AST] > 2 × ULN, or total bilirubin > ULN)
Respiratory failure that requires supplemental oxygen
Inability to provide full consent or the lack of a legally authorized caregiver with adequate contact who can provide consent
Any contraindication to MRI or lumbar puncture (LP) (eg, local infection, history of thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy)
Any contraindication to the ICM administration procedure
Medical conditions or laboratory or vital sign abnormalities that would increase risk of complications from intra-cisterna magna injection, anesthesia, LP, and/or MRI (e.g., fever, hypoxia, tachycardia, or evidence of active infection)
Immunocompromised status
Peripheral axonal sensory neuropathy
Receipt of a vaccine within 14 days of dosing
A positive test result for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV) type 1 or type 2, or Hepatitis B or C; a Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive test within 1 year of or determined at screening
Malignant neoplasia (except localized skin cancer) or a documented history of hereditary cancer syndrome
Any concurrent disease that, in the opinion of the investigator, may cause cognitive impairment unrelated to GRN mutations, including other causes of dementia, neurosyphilis, hydrocephalus, stroke, small vessel ischemic disease, uncontrolled hypothyroidism, or vitamin deficiency
Current or recent history of clinically significant suicidal ideation within the past 6 months
For females of childbearing potential, a positive serum pregnancy test at the screening visit, a positive serum result on Day 1 prior to administration of the investigational product, or unwillingness to have additional pregnancy tests during the study. Females of childbearing potential must use a highly effective method of birth control or engage in abstinence until 90 days postdose
Women who are breastfeeding
For sexually active men, unwillingness to use a medically accepted method of double-barrier contraception (such as a condom/diaphragm used with spermicide) or engage in abstinence from the date of screening until 90 days postdose
Any condition (eg, history of any disease, evidence of any current disease, any finding upon physical examination, or any laboratory abnormality) that, in the opinion of the investigator, would put the subject at undue risk or would interfere with evaluation of the investigational product or interpretation of subject safety or study results
Any acute illness requiring hospitalization within 30 days of enrollment
Failure to meet the protocol-specified coagulation test criteria:
Platelet count over 100,000 per uL
INR less than 1.5
aPTT less than 40 seconds
Use of anticoagulants in the 2 weeks prior to screening, or anticipated use of anticoagulants during the study. Antiplatelet therapies may be acceptable
Hypersensitivity or contraindications to corticosteroid use
Known or suspected intolerance or hypersensitivity to PBFT02 or any of its ingredients or to closely related compounds


Hospital Das Clínicas Da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Av. Prof. Alfredo Balena, 110 2 floor - Room 216 - Santa Efigênia, Belo Horizonte - MG, 30130-100
Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da São Paulo - USP
Rua Dr. Ovídio Pires de Campos 785 - Estado de São Paulo 05403-000
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