Last updated 56 days ago

The LYMPH Trial - Microsurgical Versus Conservative Treatment of Chronic Breast Cancer Associated Lymphedema

280 patients around the world
Available in Spain, Brazil, Argentina, United States
To date, conservative complex physical decongestion therapy (CDT) is the gold standard for BCRL (breast cancer related lymphedema) and includes manual lymphatic drainage, local compression with bandages and garments, physical exercises and meticulous skin care. It is, however, too often ineffective to prevent stage progression in curing BCRL and purely symptomatic. Lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA) and vascularized lymph node transfer (VLNT) are two surgical techniques that, in contrast to CDT, are able to actually address the underlying causes and eventually restore the lymphatic drainage. LVA achieves this by creating numerous bypasses between lymphatic vessels and venules allowing the drainage of excessive fluid within the subcutaneous tissues into the venous system, while VLNT usually brings functioning lymph nodes to an area devoid of lymph nodes or with dysfunctional lymph nodes, thus enabling the spontaneous development of new lymphatic pathways. Both techniques have shown very promising results with low complication rates and improved Quality of Life (QoL) for the patients. However, no multicentric randomized controlled trial (RCT) has yet prospectively evaluated the superiority of these surgical techniques over CDT alone, limiting patient's access to most effective treatment available. Requests for cost reimbursement must still be submitted to insurance companies in most countries and are often rejected, thus delaying surgical treatment and resulting in prolonged suffering of affected patients. This is untenable seeing as affected patients suffer from a heavy physical, psychological and financial burden. This pragmatic, randomized, multicenter trial aims to establish a solid scientific basis assessing the superiority of surgical treatment over CDT alone.
University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
2Research sites
280Patients around the world

This study is for people with

Breast Cancer

Requirements for the patient

From 18 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Written informed consent.
Patients ≥ 18 years of age with prior treatment of breast cancer.
At least one of the following prior breast cancer treatments: sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), axillary lymph node dissection (ALND), radiotherapy (RT) of chest wall or axilla or breast cancer surgery.
Clinical diagnosis of chronic BCRL as defined by the ISL (inter-limb difference of >10% in volume or excess volume between the affected and non-affected limbs present for more than 3 months).
Minimum of 3 months CDT.
Ability to complete the QoL questionnaires.
No indication for lymphatic surgery according to clinical judgment of the treating surgeon (individual reasons will be specifically documented).
Primary congenital LE or non-breast cancer-related LE.
Need for immediate LE surgery according to clinical judgement by a specialist due to far progressed LE stage.


Instituto de Oncología Ángel H. Roffo - CABA, Buenos Aires
Av. San Martín 5481, CABA, Buenos Aires
Hospital Erasto Gaertner
Rua Joaquim Amaral - Cajuru, Curitiba - PR, 81520, Brazil
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