Adjuvant Chemotherapy in cfHPV-DNA Plasma Positive Patients: A Biomarker In Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
365 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
A prospective, randomized, multicenter, national, superiority, parallel, clinical trial,
design to evaluate the use of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced
cervical cancer selected by cfDNA-HPV biomarker. Patients will be randomized by
stratified randomization process to belong to one of the groups: control (Group B) or
intervention (Group C), emphasizing homogeneity of risk factors between them. A
randomized list will be generated by using a suitable software, using variable size
blocks (2 or 4), with stratification for site and staging. The confidentiality of the
randomization list will be maintained through an automated, centralized, Internet-based
randomization system, available 24 hours a day (RedCap). Selected patients must receive
standard treatment based on concomitant chemoradiotherapy regime, with dose of radiation
of 40-50 greys (Gy) (considering additional boost of 10-15 Gy in lymph nodes,
radiologically or surgically, compromised) and brachytherapy of 30-40 Gy and cisplatin
40mg/m2 weekly. After four weeks of the end of treatment, a qualitative and quantitative
research of cfHPV-DNA in plasma of patients will be conducted. Those with a negative
qualitative research result will leave the study. Patients who have positive research for
plasma 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 69, 73, 82
cfHPV-DNA at the end of chemoradiotherapy treatment will be randomized to receive two
additional cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy or observation. In those cases in which the
duration of radiochemotherapy treatment exceeds 84 days, patients must undergo imaging
examination (chest, abdomen and pelvis CT) in order to exclude pre-randomization
metastatic disease. Patients will be followed with conduction of computed tomography (CT)
scan of the thorax and magnetic resonance (MRI) of abdomen and pelvis and clinical and
gynecological examination at every four months.
Hospital do Coracao
25Research sites
365Patients around the world
This study is for people with
Hpv related to cervical cancer
Cervical cancer
Requirements for the patient
To 70 Years
Medical requirements
Centro Integrado de Pesquisa da Amazônia - CINPAM
Av. Joaquim Nabuco, 1359 - Centro, Manaus - AM, 69020-010, Brazil
Hospital SAMUR
Av. Yolando Fonseca, 480 - Jurema, Vitória da Conquista - BA, 45023-315, Brazil
Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal
SHCS SQS 102 - Brasília, Brasilia - Federal District, 70330, Brazil
Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espirito Santo, 29308-065
Hospital do Câncer de Muriaé da Fundação Cristiano Varella
Av. Cristiano Ferreira Varella, 555 - Muriaé, MG, 36880-000, Brazil
Hospital do Câncer de Cascavel - UOPECCAN
R. Itaquatiaras, 769 - Santa Cruz, Cascavel - PR, 85806-300, Brazil