The aim of this study is to investigate if Direct Current Electrical Stimulation (tDCS)
associated with motor and/or cognitive training is capable of reducing neuropsychiatric
symptoms, as well as immune changes induced in COVID-19.
Volunteers will be randomized and allocated into four groups (Fatigue; Pain; Cognitive
deficit and Depressed mood) and each group will be divided into two subgroups: 1) real tDCS +
motor or cognitive training; and, 2) sham tDCS + motor or cognitive training according to
each outcome. The volunteers will be evaluated in two aspect: immunometabolic evaluation (i)
and clinical assessment (ii). The measures will pe performed in three moments: baseline
(session 1); 72 hours after the last intervention (session 12) and follow up - 15 days after
the last intervention (session 13).
(i) The immunometabolic evaluation will start with the participant's blood collection, after
fasting for 8-12 hours, without having practiced intense physical activity and without
drinking alcohol in the 24 hours prior to the collect. The blood will be allocated in 10
vacutainer tubes of 5ml containing EDTA for plasma separation, in 2 dry vacutainer tubes of
5ml for serum separation and 1 vacutainer tube of 5ml containing fluoride. In particular, 1
dry tube must rest for 1h, for subsequent BDNF analysis. 2 serum tubes, 2 plasma tubes and 1
fluoride tube should be centrifuged at 3,500 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C, and the samples
should be stored at -80°C for later analysis and the other fresh plasma tubes used (up to 2
hours after collection) for whole blood and PBMC stimuli.
Stimulation of whole blood with LPS, culture of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC),
assessment of oxidative stress, assessment of adenine and LPS purine levels in plasma,
analysis of immunophenotyping and apoptosis by flow cytometry, assessment of expression of
purinoreceptors, mitochondrial assays in monocytes and T lymphocytes, evaluation of the
generation of reactive oxygen species and quantification of several mediators by ELISA.
(ii) The clinical assessment will be performed using the following outcome measures:
COVID clinical situation - IInitially, modules 1 and 2 of the Case Report Form - CRF (Pcovid
frameost COVID-19 CRF) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will be completed.
Where module 1 comprises demographic data and clinical information related to the acute
episode of COVID-19 and module 2 includes questions related to vaccination, occupational and
functional status of the volunteer.
Fatigue - The Modified Impact of Fatigue Scale (MFIS) contains 21 items that analyze
cognitive, physical and psychosocial issues in relation to fatigue, assessing the impact that
is caused in the patient's life.
Pain - Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) assesses pain severity, impact of pain on daily function,
pain location, pain medications, and amount of pain relief in the last 24 hours and last
week; Visual Analog Scale (VAS) consists of a ruler numbered from 0 to 10 and divided into
three parts, light, moderate and severe, with visual aid to facilitate the measurement of the
patient's pain intensity.
Cognitive deficit - Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) instrument that quickly identifies
cognitive declines in patients; FAS Test is a Verbal Fluency Test - Phonological Fluency Test
that assesses verbal learning and the ability to produce words verbally; Random Number
Generator (RNG test) assesses language and executive function; Digit span that will be used
to assess the ability to focus, maintain attention, and mental manipulation. In the follow
up, the CFL-test will be added to a verbal fluency test.
Depressed mood - Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) measures symptoms of anxiety
and depression and consists of 14 items, seven for the anxiety subscale (HADS-Anxiety) and
seven for the depression subscale (HADS-Depression); Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) used to
quickly measure the patient's mood state.
Level of physical activity - The short version of IPAQ will be performed to identify if the
volunteer has a life with active physical activities. It makes it possible to estimate the
weekly time used for physical activities.
Vital signs - at the end of the scales, the signs of each patient will be measured: blood
pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and peripheral O2 saturation, parameters used to
verify the hemodynamic status of the volunteer.
State of strength and effort - the handgrip strength test and perception of effort performed
with the dynamometer will be used, quantitatively indicating the muscle strength of the hand
and forearm.
Exercise capacity - the functional capacity and aerobic resistance of the participant will be
evaluated through the 6-minute walk test. The test measures the distance that the volunteer
covers in a period of 6 minutes walking at a stable speed.
At the end, a questionnaire of adverse effects of the evaluation will be carried out,
containing information regarding any discomfort felt during the evaluation.
The intervention process will be carried out with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
which will be applied for 30 minutes (2 mA; 0.057 mA/cm²) during motor or cognitive training.
For symptoms of pain and/or fatigue, the anode will be positioned in the area referring to
the left primary motor cortex (C3, according to the EEG positioning system). For symptoms of
depressed mood and/or cognitive impairment, the anode will be positioned in the area of the
left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (F3). In both situations, the cathode will be positioned
in the contralateral supraorbital region. In sham tDCS, the same parameters and setup as the
real stimulation will be used, however, the application time will be 30 seconds, but the
electrodes will be maintained for 30 minutes.
In motor training, the treadmill training protocol will last a total of 30 minutes and will
be carried out during the application of tDCS. After positioning the tDCS electrodes, a
cardiac monitor will be positioned on the individual to control HR. Before starting the
protocol on the treadmill, the values of the perceived exertion scale (Borg) and HR should be
Initially, the target HR for each part of the intervention will be determined. The formula by
Tanaka et al., (2001) will be used to determine the maximum HR, with maximum HR = 208 -
(0.7*age). For participants who use beta-blockers, the formula by Brawner et al., (2004) will
be used, with maximum HR = 164 - (0.7*age).
The initial five minutes will be a warm-up. To achieve this, the target HR must be maintained
at 50-60% of the maximum HR. The speed of the treadmill must be adjusted to maintain the HR
within the pre-established target range. At five minutes, the Borg scale values, treadmill
speed and HR must be noted. The central 20 minutes will be considered as the main part. To
achieve this, the target HR must be maintained at 64-76% of the maximum HR. If the
participant chooses to stop the treadmill session, the treadmill must be turned off and the
participant must remain seated until the end of the tDCS application.
For cognitive training, carried out during tDCS, an n-Back task will be performed online in
PsyToolkit ( For a benefit on working memory learning curves.
Performed for the outcomes of cognitive impairment and depressed mood. During the test, the
volunteer will have to indicate which letter was projected by the application two letters
ago. The system will show one letter followed by another, the volunteer must press the
"space" key on the computer keyboard when the letter that was shown in the two positions
above reappears.
The study will be carried out simultaneously in two research centers in Brazil: Laboratory of
Applied Neuroscience (LANA), Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Pernambuco, Brazil and
at the Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Science and Technology - Campus
Presidente Prudente (FCT/UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil.
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
48Patients around the world
This study is for people with
Covid-19 pneumonia
Requirements for the patient
From 18 Years
All Gender
Medical requirements
Long COVID-19 (>3 months)
The presence of at least one of the following symptoms, after diagnosed SARS-COV-2 infection:
Persistent pain
Depressed mood
Cognitive impairment
Hemodynamic instability
Historic of use or abuse of drugs or alcohol
Use of medications that may interfere with the study results (anti-inflammatories and antibiotics)