Recombinant Herpes Zoster Vaccine in Patients With Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
2005 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
Subproject A: This is a phase 4 randomized prospective study of adult patients with ARDs who
will receive two intramuscular doses of RZV 6 weeks apart. A control group of
non-immunosuppressed individuals (CG) aged ≥ 50 years will also be included, in the
proportion of 3 patients:1 control. Patients with ARDs will be randomly allocated into two
groups: P1 and P2. CG and P1 will receive the vaccine soon after randomization, on D0 and
D42. P2 will be vaccinated 12 weeks after randomization, on D84 and D126. All groups will
collect blood samples immediately before vaccination, at baseline, and then receive the 1st
dose of vaccine on the same day (D0 for CG and P1, and D84 for P2). The second dose will be
applied 6 weeks after the first dose (D42 for P1 and CG, and D126 for P2). Blood samples for
disease activity and immunogenicity will be collected 6 weeks after the 2nd dose (D84 for CG
and P1 and D168 for P2). The influence of vaccination on disease activity will be evaluated
in the first three months of follow-up through disease-specific activity indices. Safety
analysis regarding adverse effects (AEs) of the vaccine will be performed using standardized
questionnaires on D42 and D84 for CG and P1 and on D126 and D168 for P2. Severe AEs and
incident cases of HZ will be evaluated throughout the study period. The persistence of
immunogenicity will be evaluated one year after the 2nd dose (D407 for CG and P1, and D491
for P2).
Subproject B: Specific studies will also be carried out to evaluate the effect of drug
withdrawal (MTX and MMF) after vaccination in increasing the immune response in patients with
ARDs with controlled baseline disease. Randomization of patients with ARDs with
well-controlled disease selected for the MTX discontinuation protocol will divide them into
two groups: MTX-suspension, in which MTX will be suspended for 2 weeks after each vaccine
dose, and another group that will maintain stable therapy (MTX-maintenance), with assessments
of immunogenicity and disease activity. The same applies to patients undergoing the MMF
discontinuation protocol (but the MMF suspension time will be one week after each vaccine
dose). Based on a recently published study (Petri et al., 2023), discontinuation time of the
MMF after each vaccine dose was reduced from two weeks to one week. In fact, these authors
observed in a cohort of 334 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus that discontinuing MMF
for one week after vaccination against COVID-19 (mRNA vaccine) improved vaccine efficacy
without leading to exacerbations of the underlying disease (Petri et al., 2023). Thus, we
considered it appropriate to reduce the MMF discontinuation time to one week after each dose
of the recombinant vaccine for herpes zoster in our population of patients with autoimmune
rheumatic diseases.
Total population: The total population will consist of 2005 participants comprising 1180
patients with ARDs (590 in P1 and 590 in P2), 393 healthy controls. 202 patients on the MTX
maintenance/discontinuation RA protocol for two weeks after each vaccine dose, and 230
patients with ARDs on the MMF maintenance/discontinuation protocol for one week after each
vaccine dose.
Immunogenicity analysis: Humoral immunogenicity will be evaluated through serum
concentrations of anti-gE antibodies [enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)] of blood
samples collected from participants pre-vaccination, 2 months and one year after the second
dose of RZV. The frequencies of gE-specific CD4[2+] T cells will be measured after in vitro
stimulation with a pool of peptides covering the gE ectodomain, by intracellular cytokine
staining and detection by flow cytometry, in a convenience sample (20% of the total number of
participants) from patients with ARDs and healthy controls.
University of Sao Paulo General Hospital
1Research sites
2005Patients around the world
Requirements for the patient
To 75 Years
All Gender
Medical requirements
Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo
Campus Universitário S/N, Bloco G Subsolo II, Monte Alegre, Ribeirão Preto, Sao Paulo