Effect of tACS on the Recovery of Motor Control of the Upper Limb and Cerebral Connectivity in Chronic Stroke Patients
45 patients around the world
Available in Chile
This project seeks to evaluate the effect of transcranial alternating current stimulation
(tACS) on the recovery of motor control of the upper limb and associated neuronal synchrony
during a 14 sessions (5 week) rehabilitation program for adult patients with diagnosis of
stroke at chronic stage. Specifically, the stimulation on Gamma ranges, because the evidence
available so far allows us to propose that the tACS in the Gamma range (around 70 Hz)
facilitates motor execution. For this purpose, the experimental approach involves active (70
Hz in Gamma rhythm and 7 Hz, Theta rhythm) and sham tACS together with an analytical and
integrated motor training with a double-blind and randomized design.
Our hypothesis is that Gamma frequency tACS restores neuronal synchrony in Beta range, which
enhances the upper limb motor recovery associated with a training program.
The general objective is to assess the effects of a combined program of tACS and upper limb
training on motor performance and brain connectivity in chronic-stage stroke patients.
The specifics objectives to accomplish this are (1) Implement a system for simultaneous
measurement of motor activity and EEG under tACS, considering possible postural alterations
in stroke patients. (2) Evaluate the upper limb motor control and neuronal synchrony
associated with motor performance during the execution of a combined stimulation and training
program. Training will include analytical and functional tasks to optimize the performance in
function and activity ICF level. tACS will be applied only during analytical task. (3)
Analyze the changes in motor performance and neuronal synchrony for the experimental groups.
Using specific motor control parameters (kinetic and kinematic control), clinical scales and
electroencephalography, the immediate and long-term (3 months after finished the training)
behavioral and neurophysiological effect of this new neurostimulation paradigm (tACS plus
training) for motor rehabilitation of stroke will be established.
By means of analysis of variance, clustering comparisons and linear regressions, it will be
established the effect of tACS on neuronal synchrony and the parallel motor activity, as well
as their underlying relationship.
We will use the REDCap platform to register all the clinical data given by the medical record
and clinical assessments.
The recruitment will be made at the Clinical Center of Metropolitan University of Educational
Sciences and in the Primary Care Centers that are near to the University. The sample size is
45 chronic stage stroke survivors. The sample size calculation used the data available in the
study for the difference in Fugl-Meyer score between the bihemispheric and sham transcranial
Direct Current Stimulation groups after the intervention (in the study of Alisar et al,
2020), considering an effect size of 1.4, a p-value of 0.05 and a power (1- beta) of 0.9,
which yielded a sample size of 12 subjects per group. Now, also considering an attrition
percentage of 20% and an equivalence in the size of the 3 study groups, the final sample size
is 15 people per group (45 people in total).
To answer the study hypothesis, two variables will be examined as primary results:
1. Behavioral level, it will be the score on the Fugl-Meyer scale (upper extremity
section). This scale has been widely used in the field of neurorehabilitation to assess
motor impairments (ICF function level).
2. Neurophysiological level, the primary outcome will be the change in spectral power in
the Beta band (13-30Hz) associated with motor performance in kinetic and kinematic
tasks. Signal processing will follow a cluster approach using the Fieldtrip toolbox in
Matlab software (R2016B).
Both variables will be subjected to a two-factor analysis of variance (experimental group
factor (3 levels, tACS-70Hz, 7Hz and simulated) and time factor (4 levels referred to the
measurement times)). Depending on the result, it will apply a post-hoc test (bonferroni) to
study differences between levels and interactions. The association between the variables will
be inspected through regression models. The level of significance will have a p-value of
0.05. The statistical analysis will be implemented in the R language and the Rstudio
software. Complementary to the primary results, and in order to broaden the description of
the study phenomenon, the scores of the clinical scales already described will be analyzed,
as well as kinetic (absolute force, speed of force change) and kinematic variables (direction
error, maximum speed) of the analytical and combined tasks. In addition, the long-scale
synchrony will be described by means of connectivity variables between the electrodes already
identified (phase locking value and weighted phase lag index).
Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educacion
1Research sites
45Patients around the world
This study is for people with
Requirements for the patient
To 80 Years
All Gender
Medical requirements
Centro de Habilidades Clinicas - UMCE
Dr. Luis Bisquert 2765, 7780446 Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana
SponsorUniversidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educacion