Last updated 6 months ago

High-definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Chlorella Pyrenoidosa to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

60 patients around the world
Available in Brazil
This study is an open label research, clinical trial, double blind, placebo controlled, and randomized, involving assistance to patients at risk of cardiovascular disease, in outpatient care (Continue Caring Project). Included in the research are adults and elderly participants at cardiovascular risk, whose initial diagnosis for hospitalization was due to COVID-19 and at the hospital level those admitted for treatment in the Intensive Care Unit or ward with heart disease who are eligible for neurostimulation by HD-tDCS. Patients will be randomly allocated into an experimental and control group for HD-tDCS and also to receive the functional food. The protocol will be HD-tDCS (lasting 20 minutes of 4x1 tDCS-HD) positioning the central electrode in the left primary motor cortex (M1) with anodal stimulus, twice a week; nutritional monitoring; collection of laboratory tests (at the beginning and end of treatment) and the group that will receive the functional food will be provided with 10 tablets of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa (5g/day) containing 4mcg of B12, organic pressed into tablets (Registration with ANVISA/MS : 6,7273,000) for five weeks.
Federal University of Paraíba
60Patients around the world
This study is for people with
Cardiovascular disease
Long Covid
Requirements for the patient
To 80 Years
All Gender
Medical requirements
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