Last updated 14 months ago

Switch Over Study of Biosimilar AGA for Fabry Disease

20 patients around the world
Available in Argentina
BIO-AGA-Fase III-001 is a Phase III, prospective, multicenter, open-label, single-group, baseline-controlled, switch over clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of AGA BETA BS in patients with FD already treated and previously stabilized with Fabrazyme®. The study will be conducted in 2 parts: a 5-week Lead-in period (period 1) and 54 week treatment period (period 2). During period 1 all participants will receive 2 intravenous (IV) infusions of Fabrazyme®, provided by Biosidus. After that, in period 2 all participants will switch treatment to AGA BETA BS. A total of up to 20 participants are planned for the study. •The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the equivalence in efficacy between AGA BETA BS and Fabrazyme® after 6 months of treatment in participants with Fabry disease previously stabilized with Fabrazyme, by measuring disease biomarker (mean plasma Lyso-Gb3 marker ratio after 26 weeks of treatment, defined as plasma level of the marker Lyso-Gb3 after 26 weeks (6 months) divided by plasma level of the marker Lyso-Gb3 at baseline).
Bio Sidus SA
4Research sites
20Patients around the world
Requirements for the patient
To 60 Years
All Gender
Medical requirements
Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Quilmes
Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Quilmes
Sarmiento 315, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Nefrología Pergamino SRL
Av. de Mayo 1115, Pergamino, Buenos Aires
Centro Médico Santa María de la Salud
Av. del Libertador 16.131 | San Isidro | Pcia. de Bs. As.
Clínica Universitaria Privada Reina Fabiola - Córdoba
Oncativo 1248, X5004FHP Córdoba, Argentina
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