Last updated 9 months ago

Glycaemic Index Determination in Oral Nutrition Supplements

15 patients around the world
Available in Argentina
The determination of the glycemic index will be conducted following the protocol described in the International Standard Organization 26642. Specifically, the glycemic response of each food will be determined in 15 healthy volunteers, using a glucose-containing beverage with 25 g of glucose in 200 mL as a control for glycemic response measurement. The amount of food each volunteer will test will be equivalent to an intake of 25 g of digestible carbohydrates in a single intake. Subsequently, increases in blood glucose levels will be recorded at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after initiating the food intake. Blood glucose measurements will be performed using a portable glucometer via capillary blood. The area under the curve of the increase in glucemia will be estimated using the trapezoidal method, and these will be compared with the glucose increases provided by the glucose-containing beverage.
Inmunova S.A.
7Research sites
15Patients around the world

Requirements for the patient

To 60 Years
All Gender

Medical requirements

Age> 1 and <10 years.
Informed consent form signed by the parent (s) or legal guardian with the consent of the subject as appropriate according to age and regulatory guidelines.
Bloody diarrhea based on background or presentation (by visual inspection).
Detection of Stx2 in fecal matter on the basis of an EIA and / or stx2 test by PCR prior to randomization. The patient must have a positive result within 48 hours prior to visit 1 (selection / informed consent).
For children between 1 and 5 years: weight for height located between the 3rd percentiles (<2 z score) and 97 (> 2 z score) corresponding to age (according to the WHO Child Growth Patterns reference tables).
For children> 5 years: Body mass index located between the 3rd percentiles (<2 z score) and 97 (> 2 z score) corresponding to age (according to the WHO Child Growth Patterns reference tables).
Any laboratory findings compatible with the development of HUS: a. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, b. Thrombocytopenia, and/or a. Renal failure.
History of chronic / recurrent hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia or chronic renal failure.
Family history of atypical HUS.
Anuria or oliguria after hypovolemia correction.
Evidence of clinically significant chronic active disease that is not medically controlled.
History of anaphylaxis, prior administration of equine serum (eg, anti-tetanus serum or anti-phytic serum, or arachnid antitoxin serum), or an allergic reaction by contact or exposure to horses.
Family or work relationship with a member of the research group staff.


Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires - CABA, Buenos Aires
Juan Domingo Perón 4190, Piso 1, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, C1181ACH
Hospital Zonal de Agudos Especializado en Pediatría Sor María Ludovica
Calle 14 Nro 1631, La Plata, Buenos Aires
Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos Dr. Jose Penna
Lainez 2401, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires
Establecimiento Asistencial Dr. Lucio Molas
Raúl B. Díaz y Pilcomayo, Santa Rosa, La Pampa
Hospital de Niños Dr. Orlando Alassia
Mendoza 4151, Santa Fe
Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde
Av. Montes de Oca 40, CABA, Buenos Aires
Hospital Provincial Neuquén - Dr. Eduardo Castro Rendon
Buenos Aires 450, Confluencia, Neuquén
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