The Canadian CABG or PCI in Patients With Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Trial (STICH3C)
754 patients around the world
Available in Spain, Brazil, United States
The evidence comparing PCI and CABG with medical therapy in patients with iLVSD has been
the subject of multiple systematic reviews/meta-analyses of observational studies with
inconsistent results. There is a current lack of evidence from properly powered
randomized trials comparing contemporary state-of-the-art PCI vs. CABG to guide the
clinical management in the vulnerable population of patients with iLVSD. Understanding
the relative impact of both revascularization strategies on clinical outcomes in this
prevalent population would have important clinical implications.
The overarching aim of the STICH3C trial is to compare the clinical efficacy and safety
of contemporary PCI and CABG to treat patients with multivessel/left main (LM) CAD and
Participants will be allocated in a 1:1 ratio to either study arm using permuted block
randomization stratified for study center and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) presentation
through a centrally controlled, automated, web system. Eligible patients who provide
informed consent can be enrolled. It is expected that initial revascularization will take
place within 2 weeks of randomization. Staged PCI is expected to take place within 90
days of randomization. The recruitment will occur over 3 years, with a total study
duration of 7 years, and a median duration of follow-up of 5 years.