Available in Brazil, Spain
There will be no screening period for this study as patients will transfer directly from
parent studies. After providing informed consent, all eligible participants should start
Crizanlizumab treatment at the earliest convenience following the treatment schedule of
28 days of the last dose in the parent study. Crizanlizumab will be administered at the
same dose/schedule as in the parent study.
Study participants will have a safety follow up visit conducted 105 days after last
administration of study treatment. The safety follow up at 105 days is not applicable for
those participants who continue to receive Crizanlizumab after end of treatment visit
either commercially or through PSDS.
The study is expected to remain open for 10 years from the first Patient's first visit
(FPFV) in this clinical study or until study treatment becomes commercially available and
is reimbursed in the respective indication or until such time that all enrolled patients
no longer need treatment with Crizanlizumab, or a PSDS treatment plan is allowed and
approved as per local laws and regulations, whichever comes first
130Patients around the world